
Sustainability and efficiency solutions for private enterprise

Why Should Businesses Reduce Energy Use?

For a commercial organisation, reducing your gas and electricity costs goes hand-in-hand with a reduction of your carbon-footprint.

The key benefits of investing in energy efficiency are:

  • Reducing electricity and gas costs
  • Showing your stakeholders/shareholders you are a leader in sustainability
  • Prepare your organisation for rising electricity prices

Why Monitor and Manage Carbon Emissions?

Managing water, gas and energy use helps identify inefficiencies and reduce costs.  Monitoring emissions ensures you are able to meet all current and future reporting requirements and shows stakeholders and the community your commitment to a low carbon future.

Ask Our Experts

For advice on how your organisation can save money, manage its carbon emissions or become more sustainable contact us now.

Up to 2015, under any plausible scenario, power prices will double*

Commercial Energy and Carbon Solutions

Energy Management Plan

This service will embed a strategic approach to saving energy and help continually reduce inefficiencies and lower operating costs.

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Guaranteed Energy Savings

With a guaranteed minimum level of saving on electricity and gas bills, this service offers transparency and certainty, with a guaranteed return.

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Energy Doctor Check-up

Specifically for small and medium enterprises, an Energy Doctor will identify low-cost and no-cost measures to cut energy costs.

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Energy Audits

A building energy audit is a great first step to identifying inefficiencies and savings opportunities.

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Carbon Footprinting

Ensure your organisation is meeting the latest NGER carbon accounting< and reporting requirements.

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Mandatory Disclosures

NABERS energy star ratings and BEEC certificates for buildings, from our accredited assessors.

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Energy Monitoring & Tracking

Monitor and manage energy-use or carbon emissions in real-time.

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*Paul Simshauser, AGL Chief Economist (in AFR, 8 February 2011)