Mirrorlux Reflectors
By switching to more energy efficient measures, such as the installation of Mirrorlux Reflectors, we can help avert potentially damaging climate change by reducing the need to burn so much coal. Visit www.mirrorlux.com.au for more information.

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

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New site launches
31 August 2008
The new CarbonetiX website has now gone live. Please take some time to have a look around and feel free to leave some feedback via the Contact Us...
    CarbonetiX is powered by GreenPower
    Energy Audits

    Our core expertise, the Comprehensive AZ/NZ 3598:2000 compliant level 2 and level 3 audits, conducted by experienced engineers review lighting, heating-ventilation-air conditioning (HVAC) and other physical aspects of organisational facilities on-site, to provide guaranteed energy saving recommendations with attractive pay back periods.

    What is an energy audit?

    An energy audit is a review of energy use at your facility or premises and the preparation of a report that contains a list of energy saving recommendations, ranked in order of payback. For each recommendation the expected cost, benefit, greenhouse savings and payback is shown in concrete terms (for example, "by changing to energy efficient globes you will save $1,000 per year for an outlay of around $800 with a payback of 0.8 years"). An energy audit can be used as the basis for preparing an energy management plan and to schedule any energy investments. With an energy audit:

    • You will be able to plan investments to reduce your energy use.
    • You will have a report clearly showing your energy use and greenhouse pollution, and comparing this with other facilities or organisations of a similar type.
    • You will be in a better position to apply for funding.
    • With continuing pressure on our existing water supplies we now also offer comprehensive water audits.

    We have conducted energy audits at over 200 sites ranging from Small Schools to large Government and Industrial Buildings.

    • Victorian Department of Human Services
    • Department of Victorian Communities
    • Victorian Department for Education and Training
    • Sustainability Victoria (Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria)
    • Over 25 Victorian Local Governments
    • Over 80 Victorian Schools
    • AGL 'Warmth in Winter' programs
    • Northern Hospital Group
    • North East Catchment & Management Authority 

    If you are interested in finding out more about an energy audit, please call (03) 9015 8344 or contact us online.


    "I wanted to get in contact to thank yourself and Linton for the excellent work on the DoH Footscray tower energy audit and breakdown.
    A very clear and concise report, with exactly the graphed breakdowns needed to inform the architectural brief. I am impressed with the level of detail you where able to get to with the information that was available.
    Your recommendations are well phrased, offering practical energy efficiency initiatives with clearly expressed costs, payback periods and environmental benefits."

    – Chris Barnett, Director, Third Skin