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Regina McLeod

Posted at July 4, 2011 | By : | Categories : Team | 0 Comment

Sustainable Change Coordinator

Sustainability, good design and health are my passions. Let’s do it well, it’s better and cheaper in the long run.

As an adult I quickly realised that as a society we were not living up to our potential, and am interested in improving our approaches to what we do. I want my children and ancestors to be able to enjoy our world as much as I have done. I like to help get people from complacency or disconnection to action. For all my cynicism, I am still an optimist.


Cert IV Assessment and Workplace Training, Cert IV Information Technology (Programming), Cert IV Arts Therapy. Permaculture Design Certificate. Lengthy training in Communication.  Wellness Facilitator Certificate. Certificate of Advanced Massage.


Initiating and running Greenhouse Gossip. Co-writing energy and water efficiency Guidebooks for Linfox, CitySwitch, Greenhouse Gossip and City of Port Phillip Apartment Residents. Working with schools – training for SETS and Solar SETS. Running own Wellness business for many years. Prior to that running own flower business.


Training, both online teleconferencing and face to face, both individual and groups. Communication and translating engineering–speak for clients. Facilitating Sustainable Change. Training: Carbon Real Time, SETS, Solar SETS, writing /compiling guidebooks, instructions.

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