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Graham Davies

Posted at May 5, 2010 | By : | Categories : Team | 0 Comment

Energy Efficiency Engineer

Sustainability is important to me because it just makes good sense.  The world’s population and the resources it demands is only increasing, however resources are finite.  The lack of sustainable development in the past and still now has contributed and continues to create a huge imbalance in the distribution of wealth in our world and substantial wastage.  Sustainability is not just a buzz word, but a necessary shift for the future survival of humankind.


Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical), Bachelor of Business, Post Graduate Diploma in Energy Studies, NABERS accredited assessor, CBD lighting accredited assessor


The majority of my experience is in conducting sustainability assessments for a range of facility types.  This includes energy audits, water audits etc.

Recent Projects:

SOCS & Blocks Sustainability Assessments.  Commissioned by the City of Port Phillip, the SOCS & Blocks Program aims to improve sustainability within the common service areas of apartment buildings.  The total energy savings identified across 13 apartment sites have the potential to avoid 760 tonnes of greenhouse gas annually and reduce operational costs by over $85,000.  Steps towards taking action and implementing the measures are encouraged by the Council, however at the discretion of the owners corporations for each apartment.


Energy and water efficiency within the built environment

Interests Outside Work

I really enjoy discovering new places through travel and especially escaping the city and exploring natural environments.  At home I enjoy DIY projects and spending time with family and friends.  I enjoy listening to music or reading a good book.

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Sustainability is important to me as –  I believe we only have one planet and we need to look after it and not

have the attitude that we can do whatever we like to it and not pay any consequences.   Our future depends on it

and we need to work together to develop greener technologies, because we are consuming the Earth’s resources faster

than it can regenerate them.  Because we burn fossil fuels to live our daily lives, we need to find a balance in society where

we still maintain our lifestyle, but reduce greenhouse gas emissions that will create so much damage for future generations.

I oversee the day to day running of Carbonetix and ensure we are keeping to our GLOW values.

Interests – gardening, fishing, camping

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