News, Videos and Press

  • MAV – Victorian Local Government Guide to Reducing Carbon Emissions

    The intent of the Guide is to provide councillors with an introduction to emissions reductions and to guide councils to make informed decisions regarding their greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction options, ...

    Posted at August 23, 2011 | By : | Categories : Carbon Conservation,CarbonetiX,Government,News | 0 Comment
  • VIDEO: Low Cost Lighting Comparisons

    There are an increasing number of light suppliers offering energy saving lamps. But how can you be sure of how much light these lamps produce, and whether they will produce the same amount of light as the existing lights? For ...

    Posted at August 23, 2011 | By : | Categories : CarbonetiX,Lighting,News,Video | 0 Comment
  • VIDEO: Lighting Efficiency Upgrades at Sunshine Library

    The Sunshine Library has recently gone through a lighting upgrade. Works included  delamping, replacement of halogen downlights with LED downlights and replacement of flourescent tubes with LED tubes. For most fittings that were upgraded energy savings are expected to be ...

    Posted at August 22, 2011 | By : | Categories : Energy Efficiency,Lighting | 3 Comments
  • Why aren’t we realising $130 billion in annual savings

    A recent report from the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) said that although investors in the US stand to gain about $130 billion in savings annually** (with proportional savings available to Australian businesses) energy efficiency investment has been held back by ...

    Posted at August 17, 2011 | By : | Categories : CarbonetiX,Energy Efficiency,News | 0 Comment
  • Is voltage reduction appropriate for office lighting?

    Voltage reduction units on fluorescent lighting circuits are a proven energy saver. Savings of 20% to 30% are achieved, with around a 10% loss in light levels. Voltage optimisation units are installed at the switchboard on lighting circuits, and work by ...

    Posted at August 10, 2011 | By : | Categories : Energy Efficiency,Lighting | 0 Comment
  • Cleaner, Not Cooler – The Economist

    This weeks Economist highlights the environmental draw-backs of substituting gas for coal in power generation globally: "For global warming, though, gas is a mixed blessing. It produces less carbon dioxide ...

    Posted at August 8, 2011 | By : | Categories : Climate Change,Electricity Supply,News | 0 Comment