News, Videos and Press

  • Overnight energy audit saves $50,000

    We assume so much in life, both personally and at work. Our assumptions and reality aren’t always the same. An occasional “reality check” can be very valuable. I wonder what expensive assumptions our organisations might harbour?

  • Sunlight in a Cable

    We are all familiar with the concept of the traditional skylight or solar tube that directs sunshine through a duct or a flexible tube from the roof to a ceiling. This is an easy way to get natural daylight into ...

    Posted at February 25, 2009 | By : | Categories : Climate Positive,Energy Efficiency,Lighting | 3 Comments
  • Cogeneration Opportunities in Leisure Centres

    Leisure centres are notorious for their high green house gas emissions. These facilities use energy for water heating, filtration, air heating, air handling, lighting, air conditioning, and gym equipment, to name the main loads. To maintain the strict chemistry ...

    Posted at February 23, 2009 | By : | Categories : Carbon Conservation,Cogeneration | 0 Comment
  • The ETS wipes 7 years off my life and perhaps yours too.

    Many individuals and organisations – such as CarbonetiX – are passionate about reducing carbon emissions. CarbonetiX exists to reduce carbon emissions. And we have helped our customers cut their carbon. Many individuals and organisations are similar to us. We believe ...

    Posted at February 13, 2009 | By : | Categories : Carbon Conservation,Emissions Trading Scheme,Leadership | 3 Comments
  • HVAC Controls to save the Poles!

    In almost all commercial buildings, the Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) system uses the largest percentage of power. Like lighting, the HVAC operates throughout business hours but its plant consumes much larger amounts of energy. Traditionally HVAC systems source ...

    Posted at February 11, 2009 | By : | Categories : Energy Efficiency,HVAC | 1 Comment
  • If you understand cash flow you understand climate change

    For a small business such as ours maintaining a healthy cash flow is a must. Cash comes into the business when invoices are paid. A recent survey showed that Australian businesses were on average now waiting 58 days for invoices ...

    Posted at February 11, 2009 | By : | Categories : Carbon Conservation,Climate Change | 0 Comment