News, Videos and Press

  • Measurement is essential if you want to cut your carbon emissions

    A recent study by IBM published in Forbes magazine says that whilst many companies want to reduce their carbon footprint, many do not have the measurement systems in place. The study says that "Companies aren't collecting and analyzing the information they ...

    Posted at July 9, 2009 | By : | Categories : Carbon Measurement and Tracking | 1 Comment
  • How to cool for free

    Free cooling takes advantage of cold outside air to cool a warm building. Strictly speaking “free cooling” isn’t free as energy is used by fans to move air from inside to outside. Free cooling is beneficial for any building where ...

    Posted at July 8, 2009 | By : | Categories : Energy Efficiency,HVAC,Server rooms | 1 Comment
  • How efficient are centralised steam systems?

    We have recently been working on a site with a centralised steam system. It has two natural gas fired boilers supplying steam to a number of plant rooms, with the steam used to generate domestic hot water and heating hot ...

    Posted at July 3, 2009 | By : | Categories : Energy Efficiency,Hot Water | 2 Comments
  • Harnessing energy from a belt flapping in the wind

    If you've ever thought about putting a wind turbine on your suburban house, but then started to research it, you'll know that wind turbines don't work too well in cities and the suburbs. Even if its windy, turbulence means that unless ...

    Posted at June 26, 2009 | By : | Categories : Wind energy | 5 Comments
  • Its nice to consulted on voluntary carbon abatement

    Yesterday I attended the public consultation in Melbourne about accounting for and measuring voluntary greenhouse gas savings. The consultation was run by the Offsets Policy Team from the Department of Climate Change.   It was good to be consulted and heard, and ...

    Posted at June 25, 2009 | By : | Categories : Carbon Conservation,Carbon Measurement and Tracking,CPRS | 0 Comment
  • Have your say on whether voluntary energy savings are recognised under the CPRS

    Starting today, public workshops are being held by the government to get public opionion and advice about how voluntary climate change action can be taken into account when setting emission caps for the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS). Workshops are being ...

    Posted at June 11, 2009 | By : | Categories : Carbon Conservation,CPRS,Emissions Trading Scheme | 1 Comment