Author Archive

  • John Richardson

    Technology Manager Qualifications: Diploma of Information Systems Diploma of Technical Support Specialisation: Environmental Data Systems Real-Time Monitoring Systems Programming Energy Management Software Systems

    Posted at May 5, 2011 | By : | Categories : Team | 0 Comment
  • Lynda Stepanovsky

    General Manager Sustainability is important to me. We only have one planet and need to look after it. Future generations depend on us working together to develop greener technologies and become more efficient at using our scarce resources. A balance ...

    Posted at May 5, 2011 | By : | Categories : Team | 0 Comment
  • Darebin City Council

    “I have no hesitations in strongly recommending CarbonetiX to other organizations interested in saving energy and reducing emissions (as we all clearly need to be).”

    Posted at May 5, 2011 | By : | Categories : Testimonial | 0 Comment
  • Dora Novak – Colac City Council

    “In the sea of ‘greenwash’ associated with sustainability, it was great to focus on the tried-and-tested practical solutions that work in commercial and government buildings to improve energy efficiency delivered by experienced professionals with a great breadth and depth of ...

    Posted at May 4, 2011 | By : | Categories : Testimonial | 0 Comment
  • Trevor Giles – Facilities & Resources Manager – Catholic College Bendigo

    Attending the CarbonetiX, "How to Cut Energy Use in Commercial Buildings", was an outstanding investment that will result in savings of many, many thousands of dollars in our organisation over the next 12 months and beyond as well as reduce ...

    Posted at May 4, 2011 | By : | Categories : Testimonial | 0 Comment
  • Graham Davies

    Energy Efficiency Engineer Sustainability is important to me because it just makes good sense.  The world’s population and the resources it demands is only increasing, however resources are finite.  The lack of sustainable development in the past and still now has ...

    Posted at May 5, 2010 | By : | Categories : Team | 0 Comment
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