Marketing Assistant

Before working at CarbonetiX, I thought I knew a thing or three about sustainability. My studies in economics had given me an appreciation for the environmental degradation caused by certain social and production practices, but my understanding of ‘Energy Efficiency’ did not go beyond the star ratings found on household appliances.

Since commencing work for CarbonetiX in early 2011, I have come to appreciate the important role energy efficiency can (and must) play in dealing with global warming. In assisting firms to reduce energy waste and become more energy efficient, CarbonetiX create a powerful marriage of financial and environmental incentives that deliver real reductions in carbon-based energy demand.

At CarbonetiX, we pursue our environmental agenda insomuch as we reduce firms energy use. Our hope is that organisations will be motivated by a range of factors (financial and otherwise) to act on energy wastage and let us help them save money and the planet.


Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Econometrics – Monash University (complete 2013)

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