Greenhouse GOSSIP for Offices
GOSSIP is a program developed by CarbonetiX as a way to link our tremendous knowledge of energy conservation and efficiency to create immediate energy, greenhouse gas and financial savings for your workplace. Visit for more information.

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

Press Releases

DAIRY farms in Victoria

Thursday, 20 November 2008

MEDIA RELEASE   DAIRY farms in Victoria could save nearly $6000 a year and substantially cut their greenhouse gas emissions,...
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Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Over the last couple of years an increasing number of businesses are offering green products in response to the climate change...
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CarbonetiX BLOG
05 February 2009
The CarbonetiX company BLOG has started. This is an area where our staff will post commentary, opinions, technical knowledge and experience.Click the...
Mirrorlux Reflectors – the bright way to reduce lighting costs
Wednesday, 04 June 2008 00:00

Mirrorlux Reflectors, an innovative lighting technology used to illuminate various facilities at the Baw Baw Shire has reduced their climate impact by saving over 30 tonnes of greenhouse gas pollutants. Bruce Rowse, of CarbonetiX, a leading energy efficiency company, audited the shire and recommended delamping their lights using reflectors.

To delamp - replace one tube from a double fluorescent fitting with a Mirrorlux Reflector. The result - a simple and efficient way to reduce both greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs while maintaining the brightness.

Having installed 300 reflectors, Raj Manihar, Environment Coordinator, Baw Baw Shire Council is very happy with the results, “very few staff have noticed that we have delamped using reflectors, and we are saving more than 30 tonnes of greenhouse pollution per year. Plus they have a payback of under two years, and under 1 year in higher use areas.”

Mr. Rowse states “Over its life span, the average double fluorescent light produces more greenhouse gas pollution than an automobile does in a single year.” Reflectors produce the same amount of useful light as two tubes but at the impact and cost of one by simply reflecting light from one tube. “The payback is sensational, with almost 50% return on investment as reflectors can be easily installed practically anywhere to achieve savings,” he said.     

Reflectors are the result of CarbonetiX innovation and extensive experience in energy efficiency audits and practices. Mirrorlux Reflectors are manufactured and supplied by Green Electriciancs. For further information visit or call Bruce Rowse on (03) 9015 8344.