Community Energy Efficiency Program

Funding type: Competitive Grant
Funding Amount: $200m (for council programs) over 4 years
Grant Amount: Up to $5m
Location: National
Availability: Applications are now open until 23rd March

CEEP Funding Projects

CarbonetiX are now taking purchase orders for CEEP specific building energy audits and project outline assistance.  All our audits and project outlines include a level of guaranteed energy savings, allowing you to demonstrate guaranteed financial return on your CEEP application.  To learn more visit

About CEEP

The Community Energy Efficiency Program (CEEP) provides funding to local governments for energy efficiency projects.  Local councils can apply for up to $5 million to cover half the project cost of an upgrade to existing non-residential buildings.

CarbonetiX have identified a number of energy saving opportunities in local government buildings, including town halls, leisure centres and office buildings.  We are already working with proactive councils to construct a business case for grant applications.

Funding applications close on 23rd March, so be quick!  Speak to CarbonetiX about an energy efficiency upgrade project today.

CEEP Facts sheet

CEEP application criteria

Move now to secure your funding! – Contact CarbonetiX