News, Videos and Press

  • Carbon Capture at Hazelwood

    The Hazelwood coal fired power station in the state of Victoria is the most greenhouse intensive plant in Australia. It generates around 17 million tonnes of carbon emissions every year. The plant was originally due for decommissioning in ...

    Posted at December 7, 2009 | By : | Categories : Climate Change | 2 Comments
  • Why believe that climate change is caused by human activity?

    I generally like to focus the bulk of my articles in this blog on stories about that which is "climate positive" - by that I mean people, organisations, technologies that are cutting greenhouse gas emissions and providing an economic return. However ...

    Posted at November 27, 2009 | By : | Categories : Climate Change | 2 Comments
  • “Dry” evaporative cooler saves energy and eliminates the need for refrigerant based cooling

    At the recent All Energy expo in Melbourne (early October) I came across the Coolerado cooler, distributed in Australia by Clear Solar. This is an ingenious, simple air cooler based on a combination of evaporative cooling and plate heat exchangers ...

    Posted at November 2, 2009 | By : | Categories : Climate Positive,HVAC | 2 Comments
  • LED lighting update

    In October 2008 we started an independent evaluation of LED lights as a substitute for fluorescent lighting. The evaluation was undertaken in partnership with the Sustainability Fund, managed by Sustainability Victoria, and with the support of Frankston City Council. We chose ...

    Posted at November 2, 2009 | By : | Categories : Energy Efficiency,Lighting | 4 Comments
  • International Day of Demonstration on Climate Change

    Following the day of action I was looking forward to reading about this world-wide rally in the newspapers but I was quickly disappointed to discover that it only got ...

    Posted at October 28, 2009 | By : | Categories : Climate Change | 0 Comment
  • The winner is WiMAX smart grid

    In my previously post, I was expecting any smart grid pilot project roll-out in Australia. Two days later, Victoria gives me one immediately. On 23th Oct 2009, Electricity distributor SP ...

    Posted at October 26, 2009 | By : | Categories : Climate Change,Electricity Distribution,Energy Efficiency | 0 Comment