Energy Measurement and Tracking

Realtime monitoring of your energy use and carbon footprint

Energy Measurement and Tracking

You can’t control what you don’t measure.  Real time tracking of energy use and carbon emissions allow you to pinpoint inefficiencies, measure savings and take control of your energy use.  CarbonetiX have developed two powerful tools for tracking energy and carbon.

Each tool is an interactive online tool that has been built from the ground up by CarbonetiX.  Our focus has been ensuring our tools aid with real reductions in energy and water use.  For more information on either product or to speak to an energy monitoring expert contact CarbonetiX on 1300 311 763.


Carbon RealTime is a powerful tool for establishing your organisation’s energy profile – in real time! It assists in identifying energy waste and leaks, and highlights opportunities to reduce your energy costs and carbon emissions. CarbonRealtime is an invaluable tool for those who are required to report on carbon emissions.

  • Track Environmental Data in Real Time!
  • Record carbon emissions data for reporting
  • Establish your organisation’s energy profile
  • Identify opportunities to reduce energy costs
  • Educate staff on environmental issues


CarbonMetriX is designed for carbon footprint management and energy and water tracking.  Specifically, CarbonMetriX allows for reporting across multiple sites. CarbonMetriX uses the emissions factors that are published annually by the Australian Greenhouse Office to ensure accuracy and to meet all current state and federal carbon reporting requirements.

  • Monitor your organisation’s carbon footprint
  • Track emissions, electricity, gas, water, vehicle use and air travel emissions
  • Powerful tool to meet mandatory reporting standards
  • Quick bill energy and easy to use with an intuitive design
  • Automatic alerts via email when usage deviates from set parameters

Find out more

For more information or a quote on CarbonRealtime or CarbonMetriX, contact one of our energy experts today.

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