Carbon Neutral Spiral - Engagement

Carbon Neutral Spiral Our experience has shown us that conducting an energy audit is not a solution that will instantly reduce your carbon emissions.

Through our Carbon Neutral Spiral we assist in engaging, facilitating and quantifying actions that lead to reductions in carbon emissions.

Having worked with hundreds of sites as Energy Auditors we have learnt a great deal through observing how our customers respond to advice. Those customers who succeed in reducing their energy use are often those with leadership that is committed to moving their organisation towards greater sustainability. Close collaboration across the organisation acts to enhance the effectiveness of this leadership. We have learnt that an effective response to climate change is not just the responsibility of the environment department!

As well as engaging with key leaders, our process necessitates involvement at many levels of your organisation, including:

Accounting & Finance: Measuring cost savings through lowered utility bills by data monitoring; assessing return on investment
Human Resources: Orientation and training; organisation-wide behavioural change
Asset Management: Use and maintenance of buildings and facilities; management & recycling of waste
Purchasing: Guidelines for purchasing of supplies
Marketing: Guidelines for promotion, packaging and distribution of goods
Research & Development: Seizing opportunities for innovation and process improvement
Are you ready to start the process? Contact us today.
switch board

business meeting

office lighting
100% Green Power