Audits - Energy & Water (SWAP / WaterMAP)

energy audit
An energy audit identifies measures that can be implemented and behavioural change that can be implemented to reduce your energy usage.
Energy - Water


An energy audit is a review of energy use at your facility or premises and the preparation of a report that contains a list of energy saving recommendations, ranked in order of payback. For each recommendation the expected cost, benefit, greenhouse savings and payback is shown in concrete terms (for example, "by changing to energy efficient globes you will save $1,000 per year for an outlay of around $800 with a payback of 0.8 years"). An energy audit can be used as the basis for preparing an energy management plan and to schedule any energy investments. With an energy audit:

  • You will be able to plan investments to reduce your energy use.
  • You will have a report clearly showing your energy use and greenhouse pollution, and comparing this with other facilities or organisations of a similar type.
  • You will be in a better position to apply for funding
  • With continuing pressure on our existing water supplies we now also offer comprehensive water audits.

We have conducted energy audits at over 200 sites ranging from Small Schools to large Government and Industrial Buildings.

  • Victorian Department of Human Services
  • Department of Victorian Communities
  • Victorian Department for Education and Training
  • Sustainability Victoria (Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria)
  • Over 25 Victorian Local Governments
  • Over 80 Victorian Schools
  • AGL 'Warmth in Winter' programs
  • Northern Hospital Group
  • North East Catchment & Management Authority

If you are interested in finding out more about an energy audit please contact us today.


Facilitating Sustainable Water Plans

CarbonetiX is committed to seeing our clients reduce their environmental impact and capture the economic benefits inherent in this.
CarbonetiX has a team to assist you in writing your.

WaterMAP (Water Management Action Plan)

Non-residential customers using 10 ML a year or more of potable (drinking) water at any one site from an urban supply must prepare a WaterMAP.

WaterMAPs, mandatory plans which will set actions for water use, are to be submitted to your local Water Corporation by 31 December 2007.

CarbonetiX can facilitate all or part of the process up to the final Plan, including:

  • Securing organisational commitment
  • Assess the current water use
  • Communication throughout the organisation
  • Measuring past and current performance
  • Setting performance targets
  • Identifying and quantifying inefficiencies and opportunities for water savings
  • Specifying and prioritising actions for implementation
  • Measuring progress against set targets
  • Prepare an action plan to implement water conservation activities
  • Annual reporting on results

"I was pleased to recently collaborate with Energy Doctor on a successful Sustainable Water Use Strategy followed by a Water Management Strategy. Energy Doctor�s team effectively assisted and guided the strategy, analysis and implementation of the project."
Fiona Fullard, Environmental Planner
Latrobe City Council

"Thanks for providing the Water Management Plan for comments. It is a really well set out, clear and comprehensive document! Overall the plan is of a really high standard and well written."
ICLEI Water consultant

If you are interested in finding out more about our SWAP and WaterMAP facilitation contact us today.

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