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What Smart Grids will Australia get?

After a $100 million smart grid trial in July this year, the Australian Government released the Australia smart grid guideline on the 30th September. “With this investment, Australia will showcase the world’s best practice when it comes to investing in smart grid technologies, helping industry get on with the job of rolling out these technologies … Read more

Today I had the fortune to see Shai Agassi, founder of Better Place, talk about his vision for the electric car future. Shai calls himself an imaginer – “I imagine the future and engineer towards it”. His vision of an electric car future is elegant, simple, and achievable. Australia is a key part of his … Read more

General Electric is developing “smart” appliances that can integrate with “smart meters” and thus potentially schedule loads in a way that reduces maximum demand. With time of use pricing in place, the GE system will use pricing information to schedule loads real time. So for example if a washing machine was running it might switch … Read more

I attended a workshop today in Melbourne run by iGrid, a consortium of universities and the CSIRO preparing a model of the intelligent energy grid of the future. Its been identified that peak demand, which is rising faster than electricity consumption, is one of the most critical issues that a distributed generation network can address. … Read more