
Posts Tagged ‘world environment day’

Seven examples of Climate Positive Action for World Environment Day

Friday, June 5th, 2009

Once you start listening for climate positive stories or examples you’ll find lots to be inspired by. I’ve heard quite a few of them over the last 18 days. Here are seven quick examples of organisations that have saved money and greenhouse gas by cutting their use of energy.

  1. University of New South Wales mail centre – Fuji Xerox helped them achieve a 23% reduction with new copiers and printers / consolidation of machines.
  2. Airbus – the new A380 uses 40% less fuel per passenger km than aircraft of 25 years ago.
  3. Google server rooms – use less than half the energy of a typical server room of the same capacity.
  4. Dell computers saved over USD$1 million by improving the computer switch off practices of its staff.
  5. The leading Sustainability Street (a program run by Vox Bandicoot) – cut greenhouse emissions by 49%.
  6. Gaden’s Lawyers cut energy consumption by 20% through behaviour change. No capital cost.
  7. Logistics company Linfox is aiming to cut its emissions by 15% by 2010. A driver training program is already making a significant contribution to the achievement of this target.

Now that’s climate positive! How much could you save?