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Energy Efficiency – Western Port Secondary

westernport_secondaryThe Project

Western Port Secondary College has achieved an astounding 50% energy reduction in energy use.  It has done this by implement a range of cost effective energy efficiency measures.

The school is delighted with the results of working with CarbonetiX and were thrilled to win the Resource Smart School of the Year Award.

The Delivery

CarbonetiX conducted energy audits, assisted with funding applications and project managed the energy efficiency works.  After the project, our energy monitoring and data management systems helped quantify these fantastic results.

From the Client

“We have worked closely with CarbonetiX, CERES and local consultants over the last five years to become the first state secondary school to be fully accredited as a five star sustainable school. We have been a model for other schools in taking steps to avert climate change.”

- Hannah Lewis, Assistant Principal
