Carbon Conservation & Energy Efficiency


Bruce Rowse & Team

Posts Tagged ‘delamping’

Reflect on Fluoros

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

WME The Environmet Business Magazine had this article “Reflect on Fluoros” in their Dec 2008 issue. The article started bt stating that “While the EPOCH’s promise of spending nothing to get better power at a lower cost provides a very compelling case for change, there is an even simpler way to cut energy usage when it comes to lighting – a way that migh even be easier than rending staff to switch off unused lights”

The article goes on to explain Carbonetix’s Mirrorlux technology and the significant benefits, both financial and environmental, of using this technology with a delamping strategy. It the goes on to stae that “this technology proves cutting energy is not brain surgery and is not always going to cost a mint. Anyone looking for a suitablr cliche should try – every little bit helps”

The article concludes by stating that ” Many companies would benefit if their leaders spent less time rent seeking around carbon reductions and more time taking up existing options tahta are already cost effective.”

Become A certified mirrorlux Installer or Sales Agent

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

Carbonetix has developed a website to assist its certified Mirrorlux installers and distributors with sales, marketing and installation activities. Mirorrlux provides an opportunity for Electrical Contracting and Facility Management businesses to build additional business by offering Delamping Services which can halve their customer’s lighting energy use.

The site has been developed to assist Mirrorlux distributors maximise the sales opportunities that exist to halve the lighting costs of their existing and prospective customers.

The resources included there are:

· Training videos and manuals to help you learn about Mirrorlux Reflectors.

· Promtional material to help you market and sell the Mirrorlux solution.

· A proposal generator and tracking system.

· Ordering and tracking system.

· A savings calculator.

· General news and updates.

If you would like to register to become a certified Mirrorlux installer/sales agent please go and click under the Distributor Login button.