
McKinsey says energy efficiency could reduce energy use by $1.2 trillion - but reinforces the dangerous viewpoint “think climate - think government”

August 1st, 2009 by Bruce Rowse

A new report has identified that the USA could reduce its energy consumption by 23% by 2020 through energy efficiency.

The report has been prepared by McKinsey and Company, who are well known for their studies on the economics of cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
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Frustrated trying to cut your company's carbon footprint?

It is a complex and critical job.

We know we all need to get results faster.

A new guide to speed up your results has been written to help you.

Download and read our free report CARBON CONSERVATION GUIDEBOOK, written by leading Energy Efficiency Engineer Bruce Rowse. Bruce is sharing with you the "secrets" to Effective Energy Conservation, and how to avoid frustration and marginal results.

Electric vehicle and battery swap videos

July 30th, 2009 by Bruce Rowse

Videos of the Better Place project and battery swap.

Project Better Place

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The five essentials to effectively “do” energy efficiency

July 29th, 2009 by Bruce Rowse

Reflecting on my interviews with various leaders in the energy efficiency space there are five things you must have to successfully reduce energy use and carbon emissions.

First you need leadership commitment.
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Why 5 and 6 star homes won’t get us to the low carbon future we need

July 27th, 2009 by Bruce Rowse

If you’ve bought a new home in Victoria in the last few years the builder would have impressed you by saying its an “energy efficient” 5 star home (or maybe even 6 stars).

Unfortunately even if all existing homes were converted to 5 star homes this won’t get us to the low carbon future we need. And in fact many new 5 star homes use more energy than forty year old 2 star homes. The 5 star standard is misleading, and needs to change if we are to have truly low energy homes.
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Canberra to be Better Place’s first city for electric vehicle recharge network

July 25th, 2009 by Bruce Rowse

Yesterday Better Place announced that Canberra would be the first site in the national rollout of its electric vehicle recharge network.

Construction of the network will begin in 2011, with services available to electric vehicle owners from 2012.
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Frustrated trying to cut your company's carbon footprint?

It is a complex and critical job.

We know we all need to get results faster.

A new guide to speed up your results has been written to help you.

Download and read our free report CARBON CONSERVATION GUIDEBOOK, written by leading Energy Efficiency Engineer Bruce Rowse. Bruce is sharing with you the "secrets" to Effective Energy Conservation, and how to avoid frustration and marginal results.