
How a school can save $300 and 1.2 tonnes of CO2 this summer holidays

December 5th, 2008 by Bruce Rowse

Schools waste a great deal of energy over the summer school holidays.

In 2005 CarbonetiX worked with the Victorian Department of Education and Training to produce a School Energy Shut Down Guide and then promoted its use to schools around Victoria, just before the summer holidays. When we followed up in February 2006, over forty schools sent their bills to us for analysis. How much had been saved? And the results were surprising, even to us.
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The average double fluorescent light fitting (probably like the one above your head right now) uses $800 of electricity over its life time.

Wouldn't you like to HALVE this cost? AND do something to slow climate change...

Delamping your fluorescent fittings is a simple, reliable, low-cost way of slashing your lighting energy costs - and greenhouse gas pollution. Click here to get your free report on how to delamp.

High mains voltage is causing 15 millions of tonnes of un-necessary greenhouse gas pollution

December 2nd, 2008 by Bruce Rowse

In Australia electricity codes stipulate that the supply voltage of mains electricity should be 230 volts (phase to neutral).

For example in Victoria the Essential Services Commission has mandated in the Electricity Supply Code that the voltage of supply should be 230 volts plus 10%, minus 6%. Distribution businesses supplying electricity err on the high side.

Hazelwood power station produces 15 million tonnes of greenhouse pollution annually.

Lowering mains voltages could save the same amount of greenhouse gas as that produced by Hazelwood power station annually

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Computers Off Australia

December 1st, 2008 by Marcel Merkus

Computers Off Australia is a not-for-profit organisation and Green IT labelling initiative designed to educate and recognise organisations that are doing their part to reduce their carbon footprint through the implementation of power management and virtualisation technology.

We all agree that computers are a great invention, and can be used to unlock all sorts of social, economic and environmental benefits - including reducing the carbon impact of our modern lifestyle.
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What is a comfortable office temperature – and why this is very important when it comes to reducing carbon emissions

November 27th, 2008 by Bruce Rowse

Changes to temperature settings are a little known but easy way of getting significant carbon savings in offices.

In office buildings the single largest energy user is the heating, cooling and ventilation system. This system will typically account for 40% to 60% of the buildings energy cost and greenhouse gas emissions. A major determinant of how much energy your system uses is the temperature at which it is set to operate. Depending on climate, most offices are set to maintain a year round temperature of either 22OC or 24OC.
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“The emperor is only wearing speedos!” – the folly of not urgently pursuing the obvious first step to slow global warming

November 26th, 2008 by Bruce Rowse

In the Hans Christian Anderson fairytale an emperor is proudly dressed in clothes that supposedly only the wise can see until a boy shouts out “the emperor has no clothes”.

When it comes to the climate change response the seemingly obvious first step, to a large extent, is being obscured. The first step being simply using less energy. The emperor isn’t totally naked – he might have underwear on – but to a large extent energy conservation – or using less energy - isn’t being pursued with the vigour it should be. And in a world in economic crisis – where saving energy saves money -  its crazy to be focussing the climate change debate on how much we need to spend rather than how much we can save.
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The average double fluorescent light fitting (probably like the one above your head right now) uses $800 of electricity over its life time.

Wouldn't you like to HALVE this cost? AND do something to slow climate change...

Delamping your fluorescent fittings is a simple, reliable, low-cost way of slashing your lighting energy costs - and greenhouse gas pollution. Click here to get your free report on how to delamp.