
Forget the CPRS - its up to you

March 10th, 2009 by Bruce Rowse

This blog aims to show how acting vigorously to reduce carbon emissions is good for the environment and good for business. That it is possible to create a “win-win” with the right approach. The Emissions Trading Scheme - officially known as the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) clearly, as explained in earlier blog posts, is climate negative - its not good for the environment.  

Various blogs today responding to the release of the draft CPRS legislation by Climate Change Minister Penny Wong point out that its not just bad for the environment - it goes so far in its compensation to major emittors that its actually good for big business.  
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The average double fluorescent light fitting (probably like the one above your head right now) uses $800 of electricity over its life time.

Wouldn't you like to HALVE this cost? AND do something to slow climate change...

Delamping your fluorescent fittings is a simple, reliable, low-cost way of slashing your lighting energy costs - and greenhouse gas pollution. Click here to get your free report on how to delamp.

Overnight energy audit saves $50,000

March 4th, 2009 by Regina McLeod

We assume so much in life, both personally and at work. Our assumptions and reality aren’t always the same. An occasional “reality check” can be very valuable. I wonder what expensive assumptions our organisations might harbour?

One of our clients, a medium size organisation somewhere in Australia, discovered in a very easy way that they were unnecessarily using $50,000 extra electricity each year.
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Sunlight in a Cable

February 25th, 2009 by Barney Mezey

We are all familiar with the concept of the traditional skylight or solar tube that directs sunshine through a duct or a flexible tube from the roof to a ceiling. This is an easy way to get natural daylight into a room but it is dependent on tube length and on a direct route between the roof top and the ceiling. There is another way known as ‘fiber optic solar lighting technology’.

Parans , the Swedish company behind the ‘sunlight in a cable’ concept, believes that it is possible to have sunlight in every single room of an indoor environment - even underground. The principle of the Parans’ system is simple; first the sunlight is collected by panels outdoors then it is transported through fiber optic cables into carefully designed luminaires located anywhere within a building including between floors.
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Cogeneration Opportunities in Leisure Centres

February 23rd, 2009 by Linton Hartfield

Leisure centres are notorious for their high green house gas emissions. These facilities use energy for water heating, filtration, air heating, air handling, lighting, air conditioning, and gym equipment, to name the main loads. To maintain the strict chemistry requirements of the pool water and to avoid corrosion brought about by moisture laden air, several of these systems operate 24/7.

These characteristics often make a compelling economic case for onsite power generation through cogeneration. The perfect candidate for cogeneration is a leisure centre that has an indoor all year round heated pool, with an air handling system, and a base load of above 30kW. Below this magic mark, the cost associated with installation reduces the appeal of the investment.
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The ETS wipes 7 years off my life and perhaps yours too.

February 13th, 2009 by Bruce Rowse

Many individuals and organisations – such as CarbonetiX – are passionate about reducing carbon emissions. CarbonetiX exists to reduce carbon emissions. And we have helped our customers cut their carbon. Many individuals and organisations are similar to us. We believe that Australia and the world must make massive cuts to greenhouse gas emissions not by 2050 but NOW.

But under the Rudd government’s emissions trading scheme our passion, effort, intellect, capital, time, risk, over-time, learning, sleepless nights, stamina, ingenuity, research, education, sacrifice, persistence, investment appears as though it will come to nought. Zip. Nada. Zero.
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It is a complex and critical job.

We know we all need to get results faster.

A new guide to speed up your results has been written to help you.

Download and read our free report CARBON CONSERVATION GUIDEBOOK, written by leading Energy Efficiency Engineer Bruce Rowse. Bruce is sharing with you the "secrets" to Effective Energy Conservation, and how to avoid frustration and marginal results.