Project Management

CarbonetiX has significant experience and training in project management, design and implementation of energy efficiency works. We are a pre-qualified Energy Performance Contract (EPC) provider and are a member of the Victorian Government Department of Treasury and Finance Greener Government Buildings EPC Panel.

CarbonetiX specified energy efficiency works through the AGL Warmth for Winter program. The works were specified for low income residential housing accommodation. Through this large-scale initiative, we project managed multiple energy efficiency product suppliers and equipment installers in Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane over a total of four rounds.

We are currently engaged in Stage 2 of a Detailed Facility Study for the provision of an Energy Performance Contract to GWM Water Corporation.

Part of our Portfolio of works contain:

BMS Optimisation
HVAC upgrades
Chiller upgrades
Solar System Optimisation
Pump Upgrades
Hot Water Heat Recovery
Aquatic Centre Upgrades
Lighting upgrades
Energy and Water Efficiency
Appliance and water fixture upgrades
Building envelope improvements
Retrofit double glazing projects
Wall and ceiling insulation retrofits including blow-in types.

This section describes the Company’s policy regarding the essential elements in the management of all projects. The objectives of our policy is to ensure that:

Projects are effectively managed within the limitations of Scope, Quality, Resources and Risk;
Appropriate governance and control is established;
Communication, quality and risk management plans are developed and executed throughout a project’s life;
Appropriate authorisation and acceptance is established throughout the life of a project;
Stakeholder communication is inclusive; and,
Post implementation reviews are conducted and actively used to improve the conduct of project delivery.

In order to achieve these objectives the elements of our Project Management Policy must be included in the initiation, planning, and execution of all major projects.

The Project Management Policy is a Company-wide policy, to be applied across all Company Portfolios for all Company Associates to comply with, regardless of monetary value and size. All projects that are considered to be of ‘Medium’ or above risk level, at a corporate level via Audit and Risk Committee, as defined in the Risk Management Policy, are to comply with this policy. The Project Management Framework is based on the universal principles of the PMBOK® guide and PRINCE-II® methodology, in conjunction with the Company’s policy, procedures and guidelines. This framework for Project Management is based on the generic process flows of Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling & Monitoring and Closing (IPECC).