Carbon Conservation & Energy Efficiency


Bruce Rowse & Team

What are you voting for?

August 2nd, 2010 at 16:50

The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) has released its scorecard for the forthcoming federal election, and will update it weekly. With only 3 weeks to go, the three major political parties have clearly put entirely different emphases on the importance of the world in which we live. Which best suits you?

As the ACF states: “Unfortunately, the scorecard shows that to date the ALP and the Coalition are failing on cutting pollution and protecting the environment. Check out how the environmental policies of each of the parties rate, and what work needs to be done…”

These have all been calculated from the publicly stated policies of the political parties. Some of the criterion for the results above included:

Question 1 – Pollution and a Clean Economy:

  • Deliver science based greenhouse gas pollution reduction targets with the urgency required?
  • Reduce fossil fuel subsidies and re-invest the proceeds into the clean energy economy?
  • Embed environmental sustainability into decision making processes of government?

Question 2 – Clean Energy:

  • Boost renewable energy at the scale needed by 2020?
  • Put Australia on track to be a leader in energy efficiency in the developed world by 2020?

Question 3 – Sustainable Cities:

  • Result in world leading, better planned, resource efficient and sustainable cities by 2020?
  • Boost federal transport spending to achieve world class public and active transport systems for Australian cities and regional centers?

Question 4 – Healthy Environment:

  • Build resilience of ecosystems to climate change, protect carbon stores and significantly reduce land use emissions?
  • Bans the importation of illegally logged timber products and helps achieve effective forest protection in the Asia pacific?
  • Protect the cultural and natural values of the Kimberley with Traditional Owner consent?

For more detail on how the four scores were assessed, go to .

As you decide what you’re going to use your vote for, consider the consequences of voting for each of these parties. Some cultures plan for sustainability many generations ahead – the Iroquoi up to seven generations. Can enough Australians see beyond the next election?

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