Carbon Conservation & Energy Efficiency


Bruce Rowse & Team

The winner is WiMAX smart grid

October 26th, 2009 at 16:17

In my previously post, I was expecting any smart grid pilot project roll-out in Australia.

Two days later, Victoria gives me one immediately. On 23th Oct 2009, Electricity distributor SP AusNet announced its partners to facilitate the roll-out of more than 680,000 ‘smart meters’ to homes and small businesses across eastern and north eastern Victoria by December 2013.

Partnering with SP AusNet in the AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) program are: Landis+Gyr, GE and GridNet, UXC Limited, Electrix, Motorola, Unwired, eMeter, Logica, Accenture, Enterprise Business Services, and Geomatic Technologies.

SP AusNet adopts WiMAX technology which is a high-speed, high-bandwidth wireless communication technology would be utilized in any future 4G broadband. I reckon this is a great choice for Australia with low population density.

GE is providing the meter communications technology for the utility’s network and delivering half of the smart meters, with Landis+Gyr providing the other half. Motorola will provide the communications infrastructure.”

“SP AusNet is on track to roll out its 680,000 meters, with roughly 40,000 meters to be installed by the end of June next year.”

Victorian please do not be surprised when you receive an introductory letter from SP AusNet, because you will get a smart meter soon.

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