CarbonetiX through its partner Connected Light Solutions, provides a range of Lighting Audit Assessments and Lighting Solutions.
Street Light Assessments
CarbonetiX has experience in a range of Street Lighting Audit and Assessments to measure the accurate and true performance of each light unit at night to efficiently and economically survey all your lighting assets to provide cheaper, greener and safer street lighting solutions.
CarbonetiX carries out independent repeatable assessments and inspections to determine whether the level of lighting is sufficient and whether contractors are conducting appropriate and effective maintenance, with all the benefits of real-time measurements.
Appropriate use of street and public lighting can decrease or maximise the amount of electricity consumed, create a safer environment for vehicle and pedestrian traffic, as well as minimise greenhouse emissions and overall operating costs.
CarbonetiX lighting assessments typically identify:
- Efficiency of lighting installations
- Lamp failures or outages caused by failure of other equipment.
- Reduction in light output due to lamp lumen depreciation (all lamps undergo a gradual reduction in light output over time and, in some situations the luminaire, whilst still using the full wattage, only produces minimal light for the street).
- Reduction in light output due to accumulation of dirt on the transmitting or reflector surfaces of the luminaire and ageing of those surfaces.
All audits and analysis are delivered in accordance with AS/ NZS 1158:2005.
- Fixtures
- Ceiling Fans
- Area and Flood
- Post Top
- Tunnel
- Streetlights
Please contact one of our sales engineers to discuss further how we can provide lighting solutions for any environment.