CarbonetiX has extensive experience in the audit realm and performs audits to Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 3598:2014
Type 1 defines a minimum level of detail for an audit, with the following features:
• provides a quantative overview of energy performance based on overview data
• intended to determine the potential forenergy performance improvement
• aimed at SMEs, for whom a detailed audit is not normally cost-effective.
• can also be used as a preliminary audit for larger organisations.
• involves a tour of the site to visually inspect energy using systems
• evaluation of end uses contributing >20% of energy consumption.
• identifies no-cost and low-cost opportunities with paybacks of up to 2 years
• aimed at moving towards best practice operation of equipment and staff training
• the accuracy of costs and benefits generally sufficient for low cost expenditures
Type 2 defines a more detailed level of audit when compared with Type 1 with the following features:
• detailed audit to enable quantified energy savings recommendations
• quantifies energy consumption through a more detailed review and analysis
• Includes on-site measurements and testing where this is in the scope of the audit
• Establishes Operational Profile & a detailed energy balance
• Auditors shall have appropriate technical, managerial and professional experience
• involves representatives in the process of screening the list of opportunities
• Includes economic analysis of recommended energy performance improvement actions up to 4 years
• accuracy of costs and savings should generally be sufficient for medium-scale investment
Type 3 defines a more detailed audit than Types 1 and 2 to quantify the business case for energy saving measures, with the following features:
• Typically performed after a Type 1 or Type 2 audit
• Often a process or subsystem level assessment, such as for a pumping or HVAC system
• detailed audit to quantify energy consumption through a more detailed review and analysis
• Type 3 audits provide a detailed analysis of energy consumption
• monitoring of energy data over a period long enough to capture the various operating conditions
• In addition to competency requirements for Type 2, require more specific process knowledge
• involves representatives in the process of selecting the opportunities
• report from Type 3 audit provides investment grade levels of accuracy paybacks of up to 4 years
• identifies any energy performance improvement for capital investment decisions
If an audit to the standards is not required we will let you know and price accordingly.