Ben Wiseman – Technical Support Officer

Ben WisemanBen has worked with PHP, Mysql and Linux in the backend of systems for over 20 years to collect data in an efficient manner and calculate various information required for analysis. Ben has also managed contractors to implement the systems for many clients over the years. Ben supports clients with technical issues and helps resolve them through systems development, implementation and support. Ben works within many programming environments such as Linux, Windows, Apple systems and various virtualisation software improving reliability by simplifying design and removing unnecessary hardware. He has also incorporated new hardware technologies into CarbonetiX solutions through software development improving or implementing features at customers request or pre-emptively by seeing a need for them in the market. Ben has developed our Real time energy monitoring system. For the product front end he worked with various software technologies to implement new system using HTML5, CSS, PHP, Ajax and Javascript to provide a high performance client/server side system to deliver information in the form of graphs to clients accessing the system.